Soon after my Father had passed away, the next time I visited my eldest Son`s grave, as I walked towards it, two Robins hopped out of a hedge and danced about in front of me.
In the week before my Mother passed away a Robin kept sitting in our garden, very still, as if waiting. After she passed I didn`t see it again until 2 or 3 days later when I was standing by the back door and two Robins flew into the garden together, they swooped about, dancing together as if delighted to be reunited.
On the day of my Brother-In-Laws Funeral, which happened to fall on my Uncles Birthday I saw two Robins at the same time, one hopping along the fence while another sang in a tree nearby.
I drove through the countryside to pick my daughter up from a Brownie activity one time and I began thinking of my eldest Son, I felt extraordinarily close to him and could almost feel him sitting next to me in the car. I felt a little emotional and when I parked to wait for my daughter, out of the hedge in front of me came a little Robin, it danced about for me see for a while and then settled nearby, staying there until we left.
It is rare for me to see birds in our garden and rarer still to see a Robin so I don`t feel that it is just coincidence.
As I finished writing the post Hope, Heartache and Her, and I mentioned my pregnancy with my first born son I heard beautiful bird song from the garden, later when I was in the kitchen I heard it again and looked up to see a Robin in the tree behind our garden fence.
Again after writing the post of my Son passing away I went in the kitchen to find the Robin high in the tree, looking straight at me and singing his heart out
I had not seen a Robin in our garden since the day of the Funeral mentioned above, three years or more ago.
If I ask for a little help from up above, in recent years I have also asked the Angels too. During difficult times when I have known my family to be struggling I have prayed the Angels will protect them.
When my Husband worked away and I managed on my own with little or no family I got very low one time. My children had both been poorly with childhood ailments and viruses one after another and I worried so much and hated seeing them poorly. I had rocked my daughter to sleep with a high temperature and she was asleep beside me. I felt so helpless and such a poor Mother as I couldn`t make it all better and I had a little cry and asked my Nan for help and guidance. As I fell to sleep my last thought was I`m just as alone now as I have always been.
Next morning as I went down the stairs and was about to slip my foot into my shoes I found a large feather, right inside the shoe. I cannot imagine how it got there. It was so comforting I cannot even begin to explain but I felt so loved and supported. It put everything into perspective and gave me strength and confidence that these times would pass and I was doing just fine as a Mom, and of course they did.
During another difficult time I was sitting in the car with my Son and Daughter waiting somewhere, the three of us, when three white feathers floated down from a tree nearby, they floated right in front of the car, just three of them. Again I felt like we were being protected and watched over and things would get better.
During another difficult time I was sitting in the car with my Son and Daughter waiting somewhere, the three of us, when three white feathers floated down from a tree nearby, they floated right in front of the car, just three of them. Again I felt like we were being protected and watched over and things would get better.
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